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This memorial website was created in Loving Memory our dearest Meleny Palacios Cruz.
  • Meleny Palacios (Sunrise Nov 15, 1972 ~ Sunset June 4, 1996) 
  • Ariadna Palacios (Sunrise Feb 7, 1975 ~ Sunset Jan 22, 2017)

You will both live forever in our Hearts and Memories. Gone too soon, sisters Forever in Heaven

Other Memorial websites


Jacob Cruz Memorial site  >>  Jacob Memory-of.com  >>  Facebook Page: Memory of Jacob Cruz 

 Leidy Cruz Memorial site  >>  Meleny Palacios Memorial site  >>  Ariadna Palacios Memorial site  

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Melanie - In Loving Memory Ari Collage 2 Melanie Palacios Meleny-Ari Memoriam2 Meleny-Ari Memoriam IMG_20170506_0038-Edit-2 BettyBoop Image 11-15-20 at 1.11 PM Image 11-15-20 at 1.19 PM Image 11-15-20 at 1.15 PM 1996 Meleny-Leidy-Ari Image 11-15-20 at 1.03 PM 1995-02 Meleny3-2 1981-08 IMG_20170506_0017 1980-09 IMG_20170506_0018